IRBs meet Good Samaritan
More Resources to
Review Social Science Proposals
*This header emailed by Prof. John Mueller
of the University of Calgary (see also some articles by him in this section)
a few days after the arrest of the UK terrorist suspects who are "persons
of interest" in the matter of the plots to blow up 'planes carrying innocent
civilians (these are terrorists, as they target innocent civilians in
contrast to those whose violent actions against terrorists resulted in
the deaths of some innocent civilians) in August, 2006. The Bioethics
Industry's opposition to profiling is based not only on political correctness,
but also on a conceptually primitive ignorance of the basic principles
of risk assessment through cost-benefit analysis (cartoon found by John
A Guide to Papers in this Section
1. Ethics in human research before the rise of the
bioethics industry: A personal perspective
When I began my tenure-stream faculty
position (assistant professor of psychology) at the University of Toronto
in 1967, where research was an important part of my job description, there
was a clear distinction between my ethical obligations to my (human) subjects
and my epistemological obligations to my discipline.
My ethical obligations were monitored
by an ethics committee to which I had to submit a protocol of each new
research project. The ethics committee comprised four faculty (both from
my department and from other departments), and had to judge whether my
treatment of the subjects in my research was ethical. This included such
treatment details as the strength of the aversive stimuli (electric shocks)
I was delivering to the subjects, and, most importantly, whether the consent
form signed by the subject was clearly understood by her or him on such
matters as the nature of the stimuli to be presented, and the freedom
to discontinue the experiment at any time without any penalty.
I do not want to suggest that the decisions
of these ethics committees were always wise. I recall, in particular,
a near-retired professor of physiology who was obviously not interested
in research, opining that if the electric shock I used to provide an aversive
stimulus to my subjects could be detected by those subjects, then the
shock was too strong to be used in human research. But at least the old
gentleman was arguing on ethical and not epistemological grounds: he did
not criticize the design of my experiments. And I was able to convince
the ethics committee that a shock not strong enough to be detected could
not serve as an aversive stimulus to allow researchers to decide whether
signaling an aversive event reduced the felt aversiveness of that event.
I in turn served on these ethics committees
to monitor the ethical obligations of other researchers at my university
from the early seventies until late nineties, when what are known in Canada
as the Research Ethics Boards (REBs) were formed. In those pre-REB days,
each member of the committee was sent a written proposal of a research
project that involved humans as subjects. Each committee member submitted
a written report. If the report contained criticisms of the way in which
the researcher proposed to treat the subjects, the researcher was notified
and submitted a revision, which was considered by each individual ethics
committee member. Only after a revision was approved by all committee
members was the proposal approved. If the researcher considered that one
of more members of the ethics committee was mistaken in their appraisal,
a physical meeting of the committee with the researcher could be called
to resolve this disputes.
Over the 20 odd years that I served
as an ethics committee member, I criticized, in writing, about 40% of
these proposals. Many of the proposals were from clinical researchers
who wished to test the efficacy of some drug or other treatment. In many
of these proposals, my most frequent criticism was lack of full information
provided in the consent forms. I felt more pressure to formulate these
written criticisms accurately, because they were going not only to the
applicant, but also to fellow committee members. Writing something stupid
which can be criticized in writing and at leisure is more dangerous than
saying something stupid at a committee meeting, where the applicant, in
particular, is under some pressure not to alienate people who hold the
applicant’s fate in their hands.
On the other hand although, as a researcher
myself who has a special interest in research methodology, I thought that
at times the proposed research design was not optimal, I kept these epistemological
opinions to myself. And during those twenty some years of commenting on
several hundred proposals, I once never had to attend a single face-to-face
meeting of any committee and the applicant.
My epistemological obligations to my
discipline included such matters as whether my experimental designs were
methodologically sound, whether the issues I was investigating were scientifically
significant. I cannot say that I agreed always with my peers’ evaluations
of these epistemological obligations, but I could count on their being
formally qualified in terms of their expertise not only my discipline,
but also in such sub-areas of my discipline as human Pavlovian autonomic
conditioning. And, of course, as with the ethics committees, I rendered
epistemological judgments over the journal articles and grant applications
of my peers. I am sure that there were many of these judgments that my
peers thought were unsound, and perhaps even biased. However, they, like
I, could rest assured that these judgments were made by individuals who
were formally qualified as experts in the relevant disciplines to make
those judgments.
2. The slow American and dramatic Canadian development
of the North American bioethics industry.
In this section my treatment of the American
story will be brief, if only because my involvement with the American
details was rather cursory. The more dramatic Canadian story will be more
detailed because not only was I an observer from a research-oriented Canadian
university, but I was also president of the Society for Academic Freedom
and Scholarship (, which
was the academic organization whose opposition to the bioethics industry
was most marked among Canadian academic organizations.
In my opinion, the following factors
played role in the rise of the bioethics industry in both Canada and the
A. An increased concern with the harm
done to human research subjects in the light of various obviously unethical
medical treatments, and some dubious psychological treatments, such as
the sensory-isolation experiments. This concern, for the most part, was
a legitimate one having to do with the treatment of human subjects.
B. The practice, required by most primary
Psychological journals, of having to refer to subjects as “research
participants”. The latter term, in my view, should be reserved for
those who make an epistemological contribution to the research such undergraduate
students, masters and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, other
faculty member, and even, at times, technical staff and academically unqualified
friends who nevertheless contribute, intellectually, to the design and
interpretation of the research (my spouse, who has not done more than
one year of undergraduate psychology, being my prime example). Subjects,
on the other hand, whether they are animal or human, make no epistemological
contribution. There is only the ethical requirement that the research
does them no unnecessary harm (in medical research that evaluates a treatment,
there may be a risk of some harm, but that must be justified, on ethical
grounds, to be less important than the benefits to the subject).
C. The increased acceptance of
the view that expertise in the ethical issue of the treatment of subjects
can extend to expertise in the epistemological issue of the methodology
of research designs. This confusion of ethics with epistemology is reinforced
by the creation of a new branch of ethics, namely “bioethics”.
D. The acceptance of the view that the criterion for resolving ethical
questions, and even epistemological questions, is the comfort of the adjudicators,
rather than consistency with certain fundamental principles. Of course
these principles are open to question, and are sometimes in conflict.
But the move from using logic and evidence to using (subjective) comfort
has promoted the spread of the Bioethics Industry.
The papers below are organized only
by year rather than scheme. Still, the earlier papers (from 1996) are
mostly focused on the Bioethics Industry’s burgeoning influence
on Canadian research with human subjects, whereas the later papers are
more general, and apply to both the USA and Canada. In these later papers,
one of important and unanswered questions that are raised concerns the
cost/benefits problem and the lacunae of evidence that the increased restrictions
brought about by the “bioethics” boards actually have reduced
harm done to subjects, especially in psychological research. It is ironic
that an organization like Consumer Reports insists on evidence for evaluating
items like motor cars, but the scientific research community is largely
silent and passive when it comes to requiring the Bioethics Industry to
provide evidence that its strictures have, in fact, led to harm-reduction
among human so-called “research participants”.
- SAFS Response to Tri-Council Draft Human
Research Code: Some reactions to the original April (1996) draft
- First Tri-Council Reaction to 250
Letters Covering 1500 Pages of Comment (1996)
- Ethics-Code Changes May Dampen
Research Efforts (1996 article in American Psychological Society
Monitor, referring to an interview with JJF)
- Draft Research Code Raises Hackles
(1996) article in Science, referring to the views of both a proponent
(Director of a Canadian University Bioethics Program)and an opponent
(president the Canadian Society of The Society for Academic Freedom
and Schholarship) of the Canadian Code)
- Email exchange during 1996 concerning
the Code between SAFS president and an experimental psychologist involved
in the promulgation of the Code (Warning: this exchange is vitriolic,
and may be offensive to some)
- Email (1996) from the chair of the
Canadian Psychological Association's Scientific Affairs Committee
to that committee regarding the Code. This email contains the critiques
of various other organizations and individiuals. These critiques vary
in severity and tone, but are all quite detailed
- SSHRC's president's 1997 apologia
for Code written following a request from the Federal Ministry of
Industry that he reply on the Ministry's behalf to a letter sent by
SAFS to the ministry (for SAFS's letter, see #1 on this site)
- Evidence that details of some
drafts of the revisions of the Code were not widely circulated among
Canadian researchers, but were restricted to select individuals in a
way that reminds one of the way in which Bishops get information that
the Laiety do not (1997)
- Letter to John Furedy from Heather
Munroe-Blum VP - Research and International Relations at the University
of Toronto The Tri-council Code of Ethics and his prior contributions
to Ethics Reviews before the rise of the Bioethics Industry (1997)
- Canadian Psychological Association's
response to The Tri-council Code of Ethics (1997
- Hasty reply (March, 1997)
by SAFS president to the revised version of the Code; the SAFS board
had some objections to the style of this reply, but as it agreed with
its basic content, it was sent in view of the narrow time window allowed
by the Code writers for comments by reseearchers
- Reactions for Feburary, 1997 revisions
of the Code by John Furedy and by Acting Chair of the UofT department
following a March departmental meeing on the Code where about 80% of
the faculty found no fault with the edict that subjects had the right
to withdraw *their* data if they disapproved of the hypotheses that
the researcher wished to investigate.
- John Furedy's March 1997 message
(advocating ethical humility, but epistemological arrogance) to UofT
faculty following its March departmental meeting (see #12 above). The
degree to which the March message incfluenced the department's official
response can be seen in #23 below.
- Doreen Kimura's individual statement
(1997) regarding the revision of the Code, written at more leisure
after the official SAFS letter (see #11) was sent. For Professor Kimura's
scientific qualifications,
- SAFS president's (1997) email
to SAFS members informing them of recent critiques of the revised
Code, and urging them to submit their own individual reactions (along
the lines of statements like #14 above)
- Process of Evaluation and Dissemination
of the Code of Ethiocal Conduct for Reseasrch Inovling Humans Email
(1997) from SAFS Board of Directors to presidents of the Canadian MRC,
NSERC, and SSHRC. Includes particulars of a complaint concerning how
the deputy chair of the Code's working committee, Prof. M. McDonald,
handled the dissemination of the revisions of the Code (see also #8
above and #18 & #19 below) for other evidence that this dissemination
to the research community, in my and some others' opinion, was inadequate,
and even unethical)
- SAFS and the Proposed Canadian
Tri-Council Code of Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans: Ethical
Humility but Epistemological Arrogance SAFS president's 1997 email
to SAFS members
- Your oral charges made to Prof. Vincent
Di Lollo (President of CSBBCS and Professor of Psycholgy, UBC) that
my behavior has been "improper" and "reprehensible" SAFS president's
1997 email to Deputy Chair of the Code's working Committee, and Director,
Center for Applied Ethics, UBC
- The Deputy Chair and Director's reply
to the email #18 above (1997)
- Email to SAFS president (1997) from
Code revision committee (The "Working Group" regarding dissemination
of revisions), praising individuals who served on the Working Group
"without renumeration", and still assuming that the Tricouncil document
should be a code rather than a set of guidelines.
- SAFS's president's (1997) reply
to #20 arguing that while Hammurabi and Moses can be said to have
codes, the Tri-Council should follow the American example of having
only guidelines
- Email (1997) to Humanities and Social
Sciences Federation of Canada (HSSFC) from Professor Richard C.
Tees, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia and President,
Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science, regarding
the Working Groups first revision of the Code
- Department of Psychology, University
of Toronto's official response to Working Committee's first revision
of the Code
- A reaction to the July, 1997 version
(2nd revision) of the Ethics Code Email from John Furedy Vice Provost,
Research, University of Toronto (September, 1997). Includes recommendation
to shift from Mosaic Code to American Guidelines, echoed and detailed
by some University of Western Ontario research administrators
- Handout for " SAFS and the Proposed
Canadian Tri-Council Code of Ethical Conduct for Research Involving
Humans: Ethical Humility but Epistemological Arrogance Presented
by John Furedy in symposium on "Social Policy Masked as Ethics Hurts
Science: Some Perspectives from Working Scientists", at the Annual Meeting
of the Society for Neuroscience, October, 1997, New Orleans. This file
contains documents that inform American neuroscientific researchers
who use human subjects about the 1996-7 Canadian "code" scene
- From "Code" to "Guidelines"
Email (1997) from President Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada to SAFS president regarding projected 3rd revision
of the Working Group. The chief signficacne of this email is the implicit
acceptance of guildlines language, and acceptance that, as will be seen
from files # , below was modified in the actual ambiguous terminology
of later versions that referred to "statements" which, however, if not
kept to, we mandated to be followed by punishment (i.e., it walks and
quacks like a rule, so probably is a rule).
- SAFS president's email (1997)
to SAFS members copying emails of a SAFS member and human-subjects researcher
(who, for understandable reasons, wished to remain anonymous) to the
the Code's (now termed "guidelines") Working Group, and the Working
Group's reply (that still referred to "guidelines" rather than "rules"
or "statements")
- From "code" through "guidelines" to
"statement" SAFS's president's (1998) email to SAFS members on learning
of the title of 3rd revision (to be circulated January, 1998) of the
Tricouncil "statement". This email contains the critique of this 3rd
revision by Professor
Rhoda Howard
- John Furedy's handout to MRC Educational
Visitors concerning Implementation of Tri-Council Policy "Statement"
and UofT Responders to MRC's Questionnaire on REB Issues at 2-hour session
on Jan. 21, 1999, at UofT). This document includes remarks by other
individual UofT researchers at a time when the Tricouncil "Statement"
had been accepted by Canadian universities, and the time for implementation
had arrived
- John Furedy's recollections of the
January 21 (1999) Meeting of MRC Educational Visit Team with rsponders
to MRC's questionnaire on REB issues connected with Tri-Council Policy
Statement Visit (see also #29 above)
- Research Ethics Boards: A Waste Of
Time? (2001) This file contains a paper submitted to the Canadian
Psychologist (essentially a newsletter of the Canadian Psychological
Association), and the Rejection
letter from Victor Catano (Web site:
accompanied by the remarks of two anonymous referees . A revision sent
to the American equivalent of the Canadian Psychologist was published
in the same year. See Mueller, J.H., & Furedy, J.J. (2001). Reviewing
the Risk: What.s the Evidence that IRBs work? Part
1 and Part
2 Two-part article in American Psychological Society Observer, September
and October issues.
- IRBs: Ethics, Yes-Epistemology,
No Letter to American Psychological Society Observer (2002)
- Some
apparent breaches of elementary ethical and accountability principles
by apopologists for the Bioethics Industry in the U.S.A. Letter
re "ABCs of IRBs" (2002)
- Questioning some of the mantras
of the American Bioethics Industry Letter re "Coping with IRBs:
A Guide for the Bureaucratically Challenged" (2003)
- Taxonomic Chaos in the Confused
Canadian Bioethics Industry: Apres Moi la Deluge (2005 writeup of
2004 paper to APA symposium
at annual meeting in Hawaii; 2006 journal-article version of the 2004
- May, 2005 letter
from Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship to (Canadian) National
Council on Ethics in Human Research opposing research ethics accreditation
proposal. this proposal, in my view, represents the further expansion
of the Biothics Industry into areas where it has no competence, and
where its "product" is not evaluated even to the extent that Consumer
Reports evaluates the products of other industries