- The Pseudo-Scientific North American
Polygraph for Detecting Guilt
- Does a Lie Detector
Really Tell the Truth Sunday Star March 24, 1985
"Founded on lies, it [the CQT polygraph] spreads distrust while posing
as the path to truth"(attributed to John Furedy on www.antipolygraph.org)
- Countering Confessions
Induced by the Polygraph: Of Confessionals and Pschologica; Rubber
Hoses (1986)
- Psychology Professor
Crusades Against Use of Lie Detector Published in the UofT Bulletin,
1988, April 4 issue.
- Validity of the
Lie Detector: A Psychophysiological Perspective (1988)
- The North American
CQT Polygraph and the Legal Profession: A Case of Canadian Credulity
ans a Cause for Cultural Concern (1989)
- The Forensic Use
of the Polygraph: A Psychophyiological Analysis of Current trends
and Future Prospects a 1991 chapter in Advances in Psychophysiology
by John Furedy and Ronald Heslegrave.
- Reply by Furedy and Heslegrave to comments by other
authors on their "The Forensic Use of the Polygraph..." chapter This
reply was entitled "Some Elaborations
on the Specific-Effects Orientation's Application to North American
CQT Polygraphs
- Alice-in-Wonderland
Terminological Usage in, and Communicational Concerns About, that
Peculiarly American Flight of Technological Fancy The CQT Polygraph
- A 1993 Hostile Review
of Theories and Applications in the Detection of Deception: A
Psychophysiological and International Perspective, and An
Invited Reply by the Book's Authors
- Paper
on the CQT Polygrapher's Dilemma (1993)
- A 1993 Symposium on
"The validity of the polygraph: experimental psychophysiology and
pseudo-scientific polygraphy"
- Expert
Testimony on Polygraph (1995)
- Lie Detectors Lie
(Tell the CIA) New York Times (1995)
- Paper
on the North American Polygraph and Psychophysiology (1996)
- Response
to a criticism of 1993 polygrapher's Dilemma Paper (1996)
- The Detection of Lies
Globe and Mail (1996)
- Letter Submitted to
Science (2001)
- Thermal imaging polygraph
no more valid than the current North American entrails-reading procedure
- The
North American Polygraph as Entrails Reading Rather than Reliance
on Valid Evidence (2002)
- Is
the CQT polygraph a standardized test or a pseudo-scientific dynamic
interview? (2002) For credentials of George Maasche and Drew Richardson,
see www.antipolygraph.org
- Lie Detector "Useful
Interrogation Prop" (2003)
- Western
Australia Court Rejects Polygraph (2003)
- November,
2003 interview on TVO about lying and the North American polygraph
[Use Internet Explore 6 (or above) or download and use Windows Media
Player to view]
- The North
American Polygraph As Entrails Reading: Lay, Legal, And Scientific
Reactions (2003)
- Why
you shouldn't take Lenny Briscoe's lie-detector test (2004)
- Lie Detectors: Infallible
Technology or Junkscience? (2004)
- Knesset Okays Bill
Prohibiting Lie Detector Test for Employees (2004)
- "Scientific
and Pseudoscientific Psychophysiological Methods for Detecting Deception"
Lecture/Discussion at Department of Defence Polygraph Institute, Ft.
McLelland, Alabama, October 1991.
- Polygraph-related Interviews
by John Furedy and Related Items (1982-2005)
- The Polygraph
"Test" is Not a Test (2006)
- The Science-Based Guilty Knowledge
Test (GKT) or Concealed Information Test(CIT) for Detecting Guilt
- The Roles of Decption,
Intention to Deceuive, and Motivation to Avoid Detection in the Psychophysical
Detection of Guilty Knowledge (1991)
- Refreshing
Memory For Details Of A Mock Crime Does Not Enhance Accuracy Of A
P300 Guilty Knowledge Laboratory Test (Power Point Presentation, 2004)
- Specific and Reactive
Sensitivities of Skin Resistance Response and Respiratory Apnea in
a Japanese Concealed Information Test (CIT) of Criminal Guilt (2004)
- P300-based Detection
of Concealed Autobiographical Versus Incidentally Acquired Information
in Target and Non-Target Paradigms (2006)
- The Differentiation of Deception as
a Psychological Function the Significance of Which is Primarily Scientific.
- Electrodermal
Differentation of Deception: Potentially Confounding and Influencing
Factors (1992)