- A
1975 paper that acknowledges the influence of the realist Anderson and
his students in the footnote, and, in the discussion, argues for a Galilean
realist approach rather than a Copernican "convenient-fictions" appoach
- A
1977 paper that stresses the conflict of ideas and of the development
of critical skills in the teaching of advanced undergraduate research
in psychology
- More on the Popperian
Approach to OR Theories (1981)
- A 1983 unpublished
review of "The Meaning of Behavior" written by realist psychologist
John Maze, a student of John Anderson, by two of Maze's (realist) students,
John Furedy and Diane Riley
- Operational,
Analogical And Genuine Definitions Of Psychophysiology (1983)
- A
1986 paper that emphasises the realist distinction between higher education
and indoctrinational or merely instructional education, and considers
ways of strengthening the former, Socratic sort of education
- A 1987
Hungarian translation of the 1986 paper
- Human Pavlovian
Autonomic Conditioning and the Cognitive Paradigm (1987)
It may have been the inspiration, but as Diane and
argue, it's not the whole story
- Debate on Importance
of Anderson's Realist Philosophy for Psychology (1988-9)
- Reflections
on Human Pavlovian Decelerative Heart-rate Conditioning with Negative
Tilt as US: Alternative Approaches (1992)
- A 1993 chapter
advocating a realist approach to psychophysiology that stresses the
importance of attempting to differentiate among psychological functions
- Velvet Totalitarianism
on Canadian Campuses: Subverting Effects on the Teaching of, and Research
in, the Discipline of Psychology (1997)
- Is
Instrumentalism the Right Method for Psychological Science? (2000)
- Abstract of a
conference paper criticising the computer-metaphorical approach of current
"cognitive", information-processing psychology (2000), also satirized
in the cartoon below
- An influential early formulation of the information
processing approach:
Norman's 1969 "Memory and Attention:
An intorduction to human information processing" (note also the
beginnings of the human/animal split that, prior to the "cognitive revolution"
was explicitly denied even in introductory psychology classes)
- An
epistemologically arrogant community of contending scholars: A pre-Socratic
perspective on the past, present, and future of the Pavlovian society
- An Andersonian
Analysis of Contemporary Concepts in Psychology: Lecture by Associate
professor Joel Mitchell, University of Sydney (sent to JJF in 2004)