Welcome to Calgary
"In the end the only sure criterion is to have fun, and I have had fun."
E. C. Tolman, 1959.Well, it was mostly fun, and now I've retired, and just moved a few things to this new web address. I will get it reorganized eventually, or not. I can still be reached by email at John Mueller.
Surely the hallmark of advancing age, one becomes interested in one's family tree: http://JohnMueller.org/TREE-JOHN/
I've recently given a lot of thought to the issue of Research Ethics Boards (REB), also known as Institutional Review Boards (IRB) in some locales, specifically the way this enterprise continues to increase in scope, without any evidence of need or effectiveness. Some of these commentaries are on a separate page here, my suspicion is that the real problems here are well explained by Mencken.
Further discussion of related issues can be found at Zero Tolerance Disorder.Once upon a time life was tougher, so were we! It's amazing, we're all descended from people who coped with REAL problems, e.g., the Bubonic plague, but today so many people can't even handle being "offended" or "insulted."
And, although not connected at first glance perhaps, the "benefits" of a medical school can be contemplated here. Many of the problems with ethics boards come from the deliberate or incidental imposition of medical research values across the entire campus, and the increasing dependence on federal grant dollars for health research (universities have been bought and faculty have become contractors to the government).
Some thoughts on technology and stress
A couple of technology related book reviews:
- Donald Norman's Invisible Computer
- Donald Norman's Emotional Design
- Patricia Wallace's The Psychology of the Internet
Years of extensive research now allow us to specify the difference between Dilbert and workplace reality!
U. Calgary Faculty of Education home page Division of Educational/Applied Psychology at UC Psychology Department at UC
Calgary Community Network (FreeNet)
- My Free-Net page
- Freenets were quite important in the late 1990s, before commercial ISPs proliferated.
Here's a nice sunset view of this lovely city A nice view of Calgary and the mountains The panoramic view of Banff from the Sulphur Mountain Gondola Webcams from around Banff
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