Working draft:

Will your hair fall out? Will you go blind?


Zillman, D., & Bryant, J. (1982). Pornography, sexual callousness and the trivialization of rape. Journal of Communications, 32, 10-21.

Zillman & Bryant, (1984). Effects of massive exposure to pornography. In N.M. Malamuth, & E. Donnerstein (Eds), Pornography and Sexual Aggression (pp. 115-142). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.

Synthesis from various web resources:
In sum, Zillman and Bryant had college students spend one hour each week for six weeks viewing either nonviolent pornography or inoffensive situation comedies. They found that exposure to pornography strongly affected how the students felt about their sexual experiences. Repeated exposure to pornography resulted in a decreased satisfaction with one's sexual partner, with the partner's sexuality, and with the partner's sexual curiosity. There was a decrease in the valuation of faithfulness and a major increase in the importance of sex without attachment. Further, exposure to sexually explicit videos was correlated with calloused attitudes toward women.


Ultimately this area seems to include contradictory and inconsistent findings, but it does seem pornography has different meanings to different individuals. Whether it is the sexuality or the violence inherent in much pornography seems to be an important question.

